Thursday 12 January 2012

Fame > Demise; Back to blogging and Music.

Well, it's been a while, but I've got the itch to blog again. I don't expect it to last, but whilst the itch is there, might as well scratch it. Basically I've had a few thoughts in recent weeks I wanted to write down, and thought what better place to do it than here. Maybe other people will find some of them interesting too, and if not, at least I have them somewhere to read back to myself later on, maybe 9 months on from now. It has been interesting to read my old blogs, see where I was at 9 months ago, and to see where I have been since. Might write a paragraph on that actually.

I've decided to split my thoughts into individual posts, so I don't cram too much into one post. Keeps things interesting, and means I spread the amount of time I spend writing this over a few days, maybe even a week.


Probably the easiest thing to write about, and it's something I actually very much enjoy writing and talking about. It's such an incredibly subjective subject, with such diversity within, it's bound to provoke interesting discussion. 

Anyway onto some actual content, I've been listening to a lot of Four Year Strong and Fall Out Boy recently. If you haven't heard either band (unless you've been living under a very thick rock, you will have likely heard some Fall Out Boy), then I would highly recommend you do check them out. 

Four Year Strong are probably up there as one of my all time favourite bands. Plenty of music works it's way into and out of my playlist, but a virtually permanent staple is FYS. Utter juggernauts of the pop punk world, with more crossover appeal than much anything out there, and credibility coming out of their proverbials, it isn't hard to see why they have started making more of a splash recently.

Their second album, Rise Or Die Trying, is a near perfect masterpiece (their first album doesn't get a mention for being purely awful. Seriously, don't listen to it.). The amount of chug and heavy riffing, mixed with a pop - punk sensibility, throw in some hooks catchier than Chlamydia (not sure if that's entirely PC, but ill forgive myself) and you get a sure fire stormer of an album. I would try picking stand out tracks for you, but I would be hard pushed; there simply isn't any filler. Possibly my favourite track is Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die. The opening riff is simply unforgettable, so much swagger you'd think they owned the world, and in jumps double bass so fast that it makes me quite frankly want to punch something I get so excited (I know, I'm cool). The call and return vocals work an absolute charm, and some of the melodies are beautiful whilst still retaining a real down to earth feel; you won't find any auto-tune on these bad boys (thank god). The only real criticism I could think of for this album, is it's all a little same-y. The only change of pace, and very slight, is the  closer Maniac (R.O.D), and even then it is simply because it is slightly more chord based, and slightly different in tone, not quiet as upbeat. Whilst I have no problem with this, you could be forgiven for thinking the band only have one gear, and that's labelled 'excitable run-around hardcore upstarts with a reasonable ear for a catchy melody'. But if you like the sound of this, then hope aboard and don't look back. Whatever you think about this album, you will most definitely have a smile on your face by the end. And really, that is what it's all about.

I will write something about the fourth and fifth albums, Enemy of the World and In Some Way Shape or Form, at a later date (third album is a cover album, not terrible but immediately forgettable).

Fall Out Boy don't really need writing about. That and I can't really be bothered at this point. So ill simply link a few songs for you to check out if you haven't already.

XO -
I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy.... -
Fame > Infamy -

Another band, Woe, Is Me, are well worth checking out if your a fan of heavier music. Very unique in the sound, mainly down to production. They chug, kick, scream and cause a general ruckus, without sounding too generic. Both the screamer and the clean singer are impressive, (both the new and the old singer) and very cleverly but not overly used synths and strings make for an interesting listen. Some top notch lyrical work also impresses.

Fame > Demise -
Vengeance -
Last Friday Night (Katy Perry Cover) -

Like Moths to Flames have caught my attention recently, although mainly through one song. I did give their album a listen, but it was a little to generic for my tastes. Overused metalcore breakdowns, fairly unimpressive work instrumentally, and repetative song structure were the main negatives, whilst the vocals, and the more melodic sections were actually fairly enjoyable. Weighted a bit more in the melodic direction, and a bit more inventiveness with the heavy sections, and they could become a very decent band. The stand out song does exactly these things, and is the only song that does so, meaning I didn't really feel anything else was worth linking.

You Won't Be Missed -

Shikari's latest offering, A Flash Flood of Colour. The teasers and tracks we have heard so far are pointing in a very exciting direction; djent, dubstep, general electronic shenanigans and metalcore japery all thrown into a giant blender, with blades of political angst. The politics can be a little grating, as the message is about as subtle as a bag of bricks, but I suppose the passion only aides the musical endeavour. Possibly might have something written about this in the next blog, as there is a torrent leak of the album up. Which I course won't download, but torrents have been known to cheekily wiggle their way through the internet onto my computer. Pesky bastards. (In all seriousness, I will buy the album when it is released. Just can't wait for it if it is available now. But I wont torrent it. But I might.)

Whilst I'm here, anybody who wouldn't mind reading some lyrics I have written for my band and giving me some feedback, get in touch. It would be much appreciated.

Tomorrow, or at some later date, I will probably talk about Video Games; ones I have bought recently, stuff I've owned for a while, and what I'm looking forward too.

Also, follow me on twitter!/ArronDempers for the occasional humorous and insightful tweet. Might even go crazy and post some humorous AND insightful ones. We can all dream. I don't tweet that frequently, so don't worry about getting the crap from inside my head clogging up your feed.

Thanks for reading all, here's to regular and consistent blogging (realised my blogs tend not to contain much humour, trying to incorporate it a bit more.).

Cheers, Arron.

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