Wednesday 25 January 2012

Blessed are The Dead; Prose

Broken and defeated they held him, sufficiently hopeless, as if to render him so utterly and completely barren and withered that no hope could grow. So as to trap him within a shell of himself. 

He had been here before, but not so often as to invite upon himself the comfort of familiarity; the only comfort the place held for him was contempt, the contempt bred from an age of waiting. Waiting to find the very comfort that eluded him.

He turned it over, not forgetting to say a prayer for those who might guide him from this infinite infinity of... Well of what he could not say. The endless avenue of dark that held, for him, the faces of not only those who would take his hand and lead him to the light, but the faces of those who would see him wander forever. The faces that he could only describe with the sensation that accompanied them; a sensation of disgust and loathing that swallowed him whole.

Maybe that was it. Maybe it wasn't so much the avenue that held the faces, but the faces that constructed the avenue. The endless, hopeless cold and dark was what lay at the end of the road, not the road itself. The road itself he had traveled a long time ago. The beginning of the end of his hope in humanity. 

He found a bench, cold, hard and yet still inviting. He sat a while in thought. It began to rain. And in that rain he found the awakening he longed for. That, was that. No longer did he long for anything. Life, if one could call it that, held nothing for him. Not anymore.

No life. No death. Only the rain.

Monday 23 January 2012

Why Walk On Water When We've Got Boats; Video games

Finally found the time for a new blog, and I haven't properly written about video games yet, which I hold a great interest in not only playing but discussing the mechanics of the gameplay, interface et cetera. So, first things first.


NOTE: A few bits of terminology those not of the gaming persuasion may not understand.

Build: Character build, involving the way you distribute talent points and what abilities and gear you choose. Essentially, what kind of character you go for.

Spec / Specialisation: Specifically choosing a certain talent tree / build, which involves heavily specialisation in that area and that area only. Can lead to very powerful builds, but often lacks versatility. Although in most RPG's, speccing is necessary to be powerful enough for the end game. Also a way of adding more variety in terms of gameplay.

Skill Tree: A tree of talents and abilities, that are unlocked with points earned every time your character levels. The term 'tree' is used as often to unlock higher level abilities, you have to have earlier ones unlocked.

Loot: Items dropped by monsters.

Mobs: Monsters / hostile NPC's

NPC: Anyone who isn't a real person, stands for 'Non Player Character'

Enchantments: Exactly what it says, adds stat bonuses to weapons and armour.

DPS: Damage per second, when used as a noun it refers to a character who specialises in dealing damage.

Tank: A character who specialises in taking large amounts of damage, often so weaker characters (weaker in terms of health and defense) can deal damage without worrying about their health.

Support Character: A character who doesn't directly deal damage, but instead either offers support by means of healing, buffing, or debuffing enemies. They will have some damage spells, and often have minions that deal damage for them.

Buff / Debuff: A spell that 'buffs', giving a positive bonus, or 'debuffs', giving a negative one.

Suprisingly, I have only recently begun playing Diablo II. Suprising as I consider myself a fairly avid gamer, and it is amongst the most influential games of one of my favourite genres; RPG.

My first impressions were relatively favourable; a very dark fantasy atmosphere, fitting for the impression I held of the game. The control system and interface are fairly average, a bit clumsy and outdated, but that is to be expected of a game only a few years younger than me. The lack of a one click inventory management system and the difficulty in utilising multiple skills and abilities simultaneously are downsides, but with a little time you become accustomed to them. My biggest initial issue was the lack of a minimap; yes it has a map overlay, but it feels a little intrusive to me, and I found myself constantly pressing tab to have a quick glance, then getting rid of it. But the positives, a very nice atmosphere and decent combat (doesn't feel too point and click, even though it is) were the overwhelming feeling.

A little way into proceedings, I'm beginning to find the large variety of loot and enchantments very interesting. There are a massive range of different enchantments and level of said enchants you can get on your gear, which it makes it very interesting trying to come up with the best gear combination for your character. Also, the tiered loot system makes searching out and defeating tougher mobs rewarding, as harder mobs drop better items. However the complete lack of an easy way to fairly distrubute loot in a party is very annoying, as every time you defeat a large group of mobs you have to stop, and make sure everyone gets the gear they need manually. Another exasperating issue, resulting from the pure amount of loot dropped versus your relatively small inventory, is the constant need to port (town portal scrolls are used to 'port' back to town) back home in order to sell / store items. The fact different items take up different amounts of inventory space is an obvious attempt to balance the amount of gear you can carry, but frankly it's a poor effort; your inventory is too small, or the items are too big, either way the weighting is completely off.

Moving on to your individual character, and the options are very impressive; it's probably the only RPG / Dungeon Crawler I have ever played in which I didn't feel the need to specialize completely. Each class has 3 talent trees, each of which result in a very different style of play for you character. For instance, the possibilities resulting from the Druid's skill trees are huge; a DPS spellcaster (elemental), a tank / dps melee (shapeshifting) or a spellcasting support character (summoning). Or maybe a combination of the above. The talents and abilities again lead to an interesting choice in how to build your character; speccing (specialisation) leads to more powerful high end talents, but combinations of the trees offer interesting and often powerful builds in themselves. A major annoyance however is the poor balance of characters in multiplayer; it is fairly obvious that this game, first and foremost, was designed with single player in mind. All the abilities and stats of the classes are weighted such that they can solo the game. They only attempt to balance this when more players are involved, is to make the enemies a little bit stronger, and it simply isn't enough. No healing class, classes mismatched at different points in the game, no challenging bosses (as far as i have got in the game) and a tendancy towards certain classes feeling very over powered lead to a much diminished multiplayer experience.

Well, that is the extent of my review so far. I haven't experienced enough of the game (only the first of five acts) to make a fair judgement overall, but so far the judgement is very positive. A very good game, just outdated, which reads very well for the forthcoming sequel.

I've run out of steam now, so thanks for reading people. Peace.

Friday 13 January 2012

Abandon Ship or Abandon All Hope; More music, general thoughts

Hello everybody, this next blog has come a little earlier than i expected; I have to spend my free periods in the library, as part of 'supervised study'. Not that i particularly mind spending my free periods in the library on the laptops, but the downside is instead of going home at 1:20 on a Friday, I have to stay until 3:25. Slightly annoying, but on plus I get time to catch up on work, and when the motivation to work deserts me, I can do things like this.

My structure of splitting up my blog posts into one topic per post has already been ditched. I blog for the enjoyment of it, and structuring it like some sort of essay really didn't appeal to me upon reflection. Hopefully this may be a little more interesting for each individual post; to write and to read.


I still like the title lines, still gives people the choice to skip stuff they don't want to read.

Anyway, a band I overlooked yesterday that I can't get enough of at the moment are Blessthefall. It really bugged me, as I wrote about a few bands yesterday that I really don't feel deserve as much credit as Blessthefall.

Their second album, Witness, is a fine example of a metalcore band progressing and stepping above the sea of generic, average tripe that drowns out many a talented band. The first album, His Last Walk, smacked of a band with more talent than they were letting on. Often you would hear a lead guitar melody that you just wanted to soar, take the song by it's balls and run with it, but what you got was a weedly, restrained whine drowned out by overproduced chug. It fell into the trap of a band trying far too hard to appeal to the metalcore masses, the production being most obviously guilty of this.

I wouldn't like to say if the departure of Craig Mabbit was what prompted the change in sound, but whatever it was, it was the best thing they have ever done. Witness opens a little underwhelmingly, the opening track 2.0 providing what I really do dread when i listen to a metal / metalcore album; a generic breakdown. The production is the one thing that impressed me from the off, the guitar given plenty of balls, but retaining a real raw energy that was missing on His Last Walk. The screams I personally can't really make my mind up on; at times, they sound so racked with emotion and energy, my hairs stand on end. At other times, they sound strained and a little choked. Possibly something to improve on, just reeling them in a little bit so they don't sound so.... uncontrolled.

You are then treated to what is undeniably one of the best opening tracks proper i have ever listened too in the form of What's Left of Me. The pick scrape to open makes you want throw your arms into the air and let the medley of guitar, drums and general noise wash over you. The best showcasing of chug on the album slams in, powerful and raw, with such an impressively technical, yet beautifully melodic lead guitar accompanying some of the best screams and cleans Blessthefall have to offer. The chorus is so intensely catchy, with some simple yet effective vocal melodies backed by a controlled aggression in the screams, one of the few times the screamer really reigns them in. Possibly the most quietly impressive part of this song is from about 2:00 onwards. A ridiculously simple quiet part, that creates atmosphere effectively without having to switch to clean guitar. The distortion rings true in the backing chords, providing a very interesting contrast to the clean, resonant lead.

Right, now that I've finished putting the ridiculous amounts of appreciation I have for that song into words, overall the album is good, but not fantastic. The highlights are real highs, but their is a little too much filler for me to really endorse this as one of my favourite albums. Check out Hey Baby..., God Wears Gucci, and Last Ones Left for the best tracks. The better moments actually tend to be the melodic rather than the heavy, in contrast to the opener. Look out for anthemic choruses aplenty, and for the heaviness to be inventive when it is utilised.


A couple random musings I have had recently. I've found Twitter is a useful way of keeping track of stuff I want to write about. I can tweet a thought on the spot to write about later, so I don't forget it.

I think everybody at some point in their life realises the majority, if not all, of the people they meet are 'two-faced' to some extent. Two-faced is probably not the best word to use, as it implies some semblance of negativity. Really, what I am talking about is the difference between being two-faced, and being tactful. Being two-faced is not a nice thing; talking badly about people behind their back, lying to people with selfish intentions, such and the like. Tact, on the other hand, is a very desireable trait; the skill of lying, often by omission, with the other person's interests at heart. Some people value honesty over all else, and I agree that with the people closest too you, honesty should be of paramount importance. However when dealing with acquaintances and friends, it is often better for the sake of relations to value their feelings more than honesty.

For example, how often has someone shown you a piece of work they are particularly proud of. It may be art, music, photography, whatever it is the same principles apply. 9 / 10 people would lie when faced with something they didn't feel was particularly good. I don't have the exact figures, but I'm guessing I'm in the right ball park. You don't want to crush you friends self esteem and pride, and so you tell a little white lie. You say 'Oh, that's good!'. Enough sincerity to pass, but not so far as to make the person think they are the next Picasso, Mozart, or..... I don't know any good or famous photographers. Thinking about it, is there such a thing as a famous photographer....But I digress.

Even in honesty, you still retain some tact. You don't tell the person 'Well that's the entire spectrum of awful captured on canvas' (probably because no one talks like that. Artistic licence.), even if you think it. You let them down gently, so as to comply to the obligations of honesty, but escape the situation with minimal damage to your friends emotional well being. Win win, right?

It is the people in this life that, intentionally or otherwise, try and blur the line that really piss me off. The person who's little white lie is insincere enough to let everyone know what they really think, the person who thinks honesty gives them the scope to tear into a friend, the person who thinks a lie to their own ends is perfectly reasonable under the definition of 'tact'. It's these people who really wind me up, using tact as a veil to disguise incredibly self serving or malicious actions. Watch out for these people, and if you ever come across one, do everything you can to distance yourself from them. Most people will be guilty of this at some point in their life, and it is forgiveable. But steer clear of the compulsive offenders.


I love to be immature. The ability to laugh at the simple things, to enjoy the pleasures of being young and to not care about how it seems is a precious thing. But, equally, I enjoy the more mature things in life. This blog probably portrays more of the latter, but anyone who knows me will understand the former.

What I can't stand are the people who reside at the far left or right of this spectrum.

A constant immaturity is completely inappropriate in the real world, particularly in a working environment. Nothing would ever get done with the attitude of a 10 year old. I have been guilty of this many times in my life, but at least I recognise this and attempt to address a balance. The people who throw 'maturity to the wind', to coin a phrase, and dive straight into that pool of self indulgent adolescent ridiculousness, refusing to haul themselves out, become so incredibly grating. Sure, in small doses they can be refreshing to be around, and can brighten an otherwise dull day. But when too much time is spent with them, you begin to realise how much they will struggle in life if they can not learn to adapt some semblance of an adult mind set. Alan Hansen said 'You don't win anything with kids'. Well, the same applies outside of football; 'kids' achieve fuck all.

But equally, people stuck so far up their own arse they can taste the inside of their own cheek really do need to lighten up. Sure, they probably do more with their life than their peanut-brained counterparts, but they won't enjoy themselves half as much. A balance is necessary to achieve, but also to be able to enjoy any success.


Anyway, that's me done for today. For regular updates on the ranting and raving of Arron Dempsey, follow me on twitter!/ArronDempers. Comment, tweet or facebook me with any feedback, it is appreciated.

Cheers, Arron.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Fame > Demise; Back to blogging and Music.

Well, it's been a while, but I've got the itch to blog again. I don't expect it to last, but whilst the itch is there, might as well scratch it. Basically I've had a few thoughts in recent weeks I wanted to write down, and thought what better place to do it than here. Maybe other people will find some of them interesting too, and if not, at least I have them somewhere to read back to myself later on, maybe 9 months on from now. It has been interesting to read my old blogs, see where I was at 9 months ago, and to see where I have been since. Might write a paragraph on that actually.

I've decided to split my thoughts into individual posts, so I don't cram too much into one post. Keeps things interesting, and means I spread the amount of time I spend writing this over a few days, maybe even a week.


Probably the easiest thing to write about, and it's something I actually very much enjoy writing and talking about. It's such an incredibly subjective subject, with such diversity within, it's bound to provoke interesting discussion. 

Anyway onto some actual content, I've been listening to a lot of Four Year Strong and Fall Out Boy recently. If you haven't heard either band (unless you've been living under a very thick rock, you will have likely heard some Fall Out Boy), then I would highly recommend you do check them out. 

Four Year Strong are probably up there as one of my all time favourite bands. Plenty of music works it's way into and out of my playlist, but a virtually permanent staple is FYS. Utter juggernauts of the pop punk world, with more crossover appeal than much anything out there, and credibility coming out of their proverbials, it isn't hard to see why they have started making more of a splash recently.

Their second album, Rise Or Die Trying, is a near perfect masterpiece (their first album doesn't get a mention for being purely awful. Seriously, don't listen to it.). The amount of chug and heavy riffing, mixed with a pop - punk sensibility, throw in some hooks catchier than Chlamydia (not sure if that's entirely PC, but ill forgive myself) and you get a sure fire stormer of an album. I would try picking stand out tracks for you, but I would be hard pushed; there simply isn't any filler. Possibly my favourite track is Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die. The opening riff is simply unforgettable, so much swagger you'd think they owned the world, and in jumps double bass so fast that it makes me quite frankly want to punch something I get so excited (I know, I'm cool). The call and return vocals work an absolute charm, and some of the melodies are beautiful whilst still retaining a real down to earth feel; you won't find any auto-tune on these bad boys (thank god). The only real criticism I could think of for this album, is it's all a little same-y. The only change of pace, and very slight, is the  closer Maniac (R.O.D), and even then it is simply because it is slightly more chord based, and slightly different in tone, not quiet as upbeat. Whilst I have no problem with this, you could be forgiven for thinking the band only have one gear, and that's labelled 'excitable run-around hardcore upstarts with a reasonable ear for a catchy melody'. But if you like the sound of this, then hope aboard and don't look back. Whatever you think about this album, you will most definitely have a smile on your face by the end. And really, that is what it's all about.

I will write something about the fourth and fifth albums, Enemy of the World and In Some Way Shape or Form, at a later date (third album is a cover album, not terrible but immediately forgettable).

Fall Out Boy don't really need writing about. That and I can't really be bothered at this point. So ill simply link a few songs for you to check out if you haven't already.

XO -
I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy.... -
Fame > Infamy -

Another band, Woe, Is Me, are well worth checking out if your a fan of heavier music. Very unique in the sound, mainly down to production. They chug, kick, scream and cause a general ruckus, without sounding too generic. Both the screamer and the clean singer are impressive, (both the new and the old singer) and very cleverly but not overly used synths and strings make for an interesting listen. Some top notch lyrical work also impresses.

Fame > Demise -
Vengeance -
Last Friday Night (Katy Perry Cover) -

Like Moths to Flames have caught my attention recently, although mainly through one song. I did give their album a listen, but it was a little to generic for my tastes. Overused metalcore breakdowns, fairly unimpressive work instrumentally, and repetative song structure were the main negatives, whilst the vocals, and the more melodic sections were actually fairly enjoyable. Weighted a bit more in the melodic direction, and a bit more inventiveness with the heavy sections, and they could become a very decent band. The stand out song does exactly these things, and is the only song that does so, meaning I didn't really feel anything else was worth linking.

You Won't Be Missed -

Shikari's latest offering, A Flash Flood of Colour. The teasers and tracks we have heard so far are pointing in a very exciting direction; djent, dubstep, general electronic shenanigans and metalcore japery all thrown into a giant blender, with blades of political angst. The politics can be a little grating, as the message is about as subtle as a bag of bricks, but I suppose the passion only aides the musical endeavour. Possibly might have something written about this in the next blog, as there is a torrent leak of the album up. Which I course won't download, but torrents have been known to cheekily wiggle their way through the internet onto my computer. Pesky bastards. (In all seriousness, I will buy the album when it is released. Just can't wait for it if it is available now. But I wont torrent it. But I might.)

Whilst I'm here, anybody who wouldn't mind reading some lyrics I have written for my band and giving me some feedback, get in touch. It would be much appreciated.

Tomorrow, or at some later date, I will probably talk about Video Games; ones I have bought recently, stuff I've owned for a while, and what I'm looking forward too.

Also, follow me on twitter!/ArronDempers for the occasional humorous and insightful tweet. Might even go crazy and post some humorous AND insightful ones. We can all dream. I don't tweet that frequently, so don't worry about getting the crap from inside my head clogging up your feed.

Thanks for reading all, here's to regular and consistent blogging (realised my blogs tend not to contain much humour, trying to incorporate it a bit more.).

Cheers, Arron.